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Its disappointing as fuck...i hope every politician in india dies a really horrible death.....   1 reply
04 10,2023
The government is your enemy. Does not matter who you are or where you live. It is a necessary evil that always exploits the people it is meant to serve. And the longer a government exists.... The more corrupt it will become. See all of human history for examples of this.   2 reply
04 10,2023
tw:ab*rtion i'm from poland and rn the political situation is insane. in 2 weeks we have a parliament election which will change the party in charge(or not). on sunday there was a huge protest in warsaw organized by opposide parties. most people want a change because current party is known for propaganda, funding church, hating on minorities(lgbtq+......   2 reply
04 10,2023
Politicians are all probably pedophiles that have an underground human trafficking ring but hey, im alive   2 reply
04 10,2023
just old people getting power with stupid statements, don't care + cringe   1 reply
10 10,2023
Elections are next year, and tbh in my country no party and no politician seems to be the "right" choice. I am waiting for our generation to be in charge but that will take time since minimum age for the parliament etc is 32 years Enough with the depressing talk, here's a pic of my parrot   reply
10 10,2023
Me reading through the comments to see if I can read something about confidential funds   2 reply
04 10,2023
Shit. It's shit. I hate it here. Indian politicians are one of the most corrupt people I've ever had the displeasure to know about. I try to stay away from that THING as far as possible.   1 reply
04 10,2023
It is fucked.   reply
10 10,2023
IT'S THE WORST IT'S EVER BEEN. Historical distortion really robbed my country from a really really great president. I wish we had her and her VP. Good news is tho, the house denied our VP's very sketchy confidential fund request. You gotta celebrate small wins.   1 reply
10 10,2023

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