I need to vent

Comrade Mommy Comrade Mommy 2023-10-02 19:13:51 About vent
•trigger warning• like it’s a lot
Some sht has happened in my family and it’s fcking crazy. Like everything is crazy from my life but bc I grew up with it, it felt normal to me. But after finding out this new sht, idk, it’s a lot.
First my mom died. She had lung disease bc she was an obsessive smoker. Like at one point was smoking 4 pks a day, & it killed her. She was also the victim of a tragic life. Her brother was killed by a hit & run when she was a baby bc her mom had to stay home with her bc she was sick, & her 6 yr old brother was hit by two cars getting off the school bus. 2nd her father who beat my grandma & sometimes his kids, (like she had this memory of him pulling up my aunts dress to beat her with a belt), got mad at my grandma, so he took her car & drove it into a wall going 100mph. My mom was 14. That night an older boy came to take my mom for a drive so she could get out of the house & just talk. Except he raped her. My mom had never even kissed anyone or held hands bc she was raised in an evangelical home. My mom spiraled & at 15 tried to kill herself by overdosing. Her mom had her commited, and that’s how she met the man who we always belived was my older sisters father. The story surrounding my mom’s first husband is a story in itself. He was 27, my mom 16. At the end he blackmailed my mom into staying with him until she threatened to kill him and he finally let my mom & big sister go. So my sister never met her dad, or who we thought was her dad.
Another thing about my mom is she was gay. She didn’t come out till after my brother was born during her 3rd marriage, & that’s a crazy story. Basically my mom lost interest in sex but my step dad was in love with her but still wanted physical intimacy, so my mom let him get a girlfriend. A woman who moved in with us & turned out was my mom’s gay awakening. So she stole her husband’s lover. I think it was something like a throuple for a bit. I can’t be sure since I was like 5-6 at that time.
But back to the new thing that’s got me feeling all kinds of ways.
My mom suffered a brain bleed that damaged a part of her brain causing pre-dementia. The thing that was crazy was as her short term memory went to hell, memories from the past became more vivid. And repressed memories came forward. In the last years of her life my mom would cry out in her sleep, no, stop, don’t touch me. It was scary and sad. Then one day she came to me and told me she remembered being raped & she didn’t know if the man we thought was my sister’s dad was actually her father. Unfortunately my mom went into respiratory arrest, followed my cardiac arrest from not breathing for to long. Bc of that and the fact her DNR orders hadn’t gone through, she was brought back, but was brain dead and dependent on life support. This nothing like giving the order to let your mom die. Like I’m literally tearing up typing this. She just looked like she was sleeping and we had to watch her die.
Anyways bc of the suddenness of her death my sister and I didn’t have the ability to parse through that revelation. Until a few months ago. My sister was born with a heart defect that was negatively effecting her life & decided to have it repaired. She had no info on the health of her paternal side & decided to get a DNA test. A man we’d never heard of showed up as her father & we began to unravel the story of what happened to my mom and how my sister was conceived. My mom hadn’t given much detail but some answers came from a surprising place.
My sister reached out to her bio dad, wondering if he remembered our mom & asking about health history and the brothers and sisters my sister she’d seen on his social media. She approached him gently as he was much older & she wanted some answers but was worried he would cut contact if she was at all confrontational. The man said he didn’t remember our mom but remembered having a one night stand and he’s tell his wife and kids what happened. It’s galling he didn’t remember our mom when he had such a negative effect on her life. Then his wife called my sister. The wife had some cryptic comments at first, like your mom wasn’t the only one hurt and I had to protect my kids. Both my sister and her fathers wife were feeling each other out, I guess trying to ascertain what the other knew. Finally this woman told her side of the story.
It started with a funeral. She and my sister’s dad along with their kids went out of town for a family members funeral. Her husband left early to return home & at some point a neighbor who’d been watching the house for her, called her to tell her that they’d seen a girl in their neighborhood doing sales. That her husband let her in. When she came home she asked her husband a question & idk how she knew she needed to ask this: was it consensual. He couldn’t answer her.
My mom was 20 years old, a HS dropout & trying to make a living. She had a sociable outgoing personality & was stunningly beautiful. So she clawed her way into the middle class doing sales. Starting at the bottom and ending a high paying sales job at a tech firm. But we now know that she was attacked in those early days when her only options was doing door to door cold calls. She repressed those memories until her brain brought them back when she was least prepared to deal with them.
My sister never had a chance to confront her dad. Shortly after making contact he went into the hospital for a routine procedure, had a reaction to the anesthesia, and died.
My sister is the glue that holds our fam together & has spent years working through her traumas. She’s been much more successful then me. And now she has this added thing to deal with. The child of rape and no parents to talk to about it. I don’t even know if she’s gotten angry. I don’t even know if I’ve gotten angry. I feel frustrated. This much older man raped my mom when she was already dealing with so much trauma. During my childhood my mother suffered severe depression and some of my earliest memories is of her being in the psych ward and me asking my grandma when I could see mommy.
But my sister can now make an argument that maybe her father is the worst, tho I think I win bc while her dad was a rapist mine was a pedophile.
I’ve just been thinking a lot lately about how other ppls actions can have such a ripple effect in other ppls lives, the lives of ppl they may never meet. My mom suffered so much & struggled to find love. Bc of her upbringing, she was literally in her 30’s before it even occurred to her that she could be gay. Once she came out she struggled to find lasting relationships & all those parents she brought in, who then left, became part of my trauma. I think about who my mom, my sister and I could have been if ppl hadn’t hurt us. My sister coped by forgetting almost the entirety of her childhood and repressing the majority of her emotions. She couldn’t feel pain but also couldn’t feel joy. I also have memeory gaps in my childhood but my trauma became focused inwards & manifested in self destructive behaviors. My mom’s manifested in an obsessive desire for love and an obsession with cigarettes. Her search for love ultimately hurt us, and her cigarette addiction killed her, and took our mom from us. She was a brilliant woman who adored her kids. I haven’t even told half of the horrors she felt with. Like having her 2yr old son taken from her after she left my step dad bc he threatened to use his money & the fact my mom was gay to have all her children taken from her. Like I have so many fcked up stories from my mom’s life & me and my sister’s life. There’s just so much & I just needed to vomit some of it out.


vasya October 2, 2023 8:05 pm

Holy shit I am so sorry. I’m speechless honestly I’m just so sorry this happened to you all.
If ur looking for a better place to vent (and get support if u want it), it might be worth making an anonymous redd¡t account and posting this on some sort of offmychest subreddit (since most ppl are adults there as opposed to here where it’s a real mixed bag).

Comrade Mommy October 3, 2023 12:04 am

Reddits a good idea but idk. I chose here bc I didn’t want to deal with any anti gay sht about my mom. I used to west about the age range on here but when I post something under I tried to stick a lawnmower up my ass and it was hot, I realize while my theme may be dark at least it’s real. But thanks I just felt this upsurge of something inside me & didn’t know what to do with it. I usually drown out my thoughts by constantly having YT or twitch playing but I guess I sat in silence to long and all this stuff came up.

ghost October 2, 2023 8:00 pm

i hope both you and your siblings are able to still find your own versions of happiness after what happened. i hope you and your sister can hoepfully work through what happned. i geniuenly wish you both the best and paths to happiness. you trauma shouldnt have to define you or your relationships with people, you both can still hopeffully be happy. and i hope your mother was able to find her peace too.

Comrade Mommy October 3, 2023 12:04 am

LuluKillua October 2, 2023 7:54 pm

maybe a personal question, you don't have to answer, but do you have experience with therapy? did it help for you? for me it didn't really - so I always wonder where to go with all these feelings (feel free to ignore this if it's insensitive, I'm sorry)

Drug store October 2, 2023 7:52 pm

I'm speechless ngl, I hope she's finds peace I know it's not much comfort

Comrade Mommy October 3, 2023 12:09 am

I don’t normally pour my emotions out, I’m kind of unemotional most of the time but it was cathartic to get this off my chest. Thanks for hearing me out.

Mikaela October 2, 2023 7:43 pm

I really don't know what else to say, but I am so sorry this happened to you, especially your Mom. I hope she found peace and hope you and your siblings find it as well. This is terrible what happened to all of you. And to these people who hurt you, I sincerely hope they rot in hell.

Comrade Mommy October 3, 2023 12:08 am

Ikr. My sister says it was a blessing as she spent her last years pretty tortured but it makes me angry. She had me and my kid but bc of Covid she was isolated from her peers. She moved in with me and my kid in a city with an active LGBTQ+ culture and she could have found compadres. A gaggle of older gays to hang with, but fcking Covid and her lung disease meant she couldn’t meet anyone. And then all those memories started coming back. Like I wish she could have found joy before she died. But I was her fav and she adored me and my kid who she was crazy about, but still.

Mikaela October 3, 2023 10:39 am
Ikr. My sister says it was a blessing as she spent her last years pretty tortured but it makes me angry. She had me and my kid but bc of Covid she was isolated from her peers. She moved in with me and my kid in... Comrade Mommy

I am glad she found joy in her children at least. Wish you all the best in life!



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