I am 18F, bisexual. I found out i m bi when I was playing around in roleplaying online with my online friends. when i started "dating" one of them (i was young, clueless and reckless so i wont really call it dating), i thought to myself what if its a girl behind this persona. Would i be okay with it? I like them for thrm right? Not the characters w......
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I am happy to say that I'm a pansexual female. When i was about 10 i had my first lesbian experiment. For a long time i just thought i was gay and try to hind it. So when i went away to college i found out that i did like both sex. But it was hard for me to believe that i was BI reading and try to learn more about it just did not feel right about me. When I was 25 i seen the words pansexual. I read and seen that this is how i felt about my sexuality.