i literally just had an argument with my parents and i fucking snapped right then and there i literally said i could kill myself right now if i could and i told them theyre making my life harder i literally cant take it anymore i fucking cant life is gonna get worse and worse i literally have been struggling with my mental health for a year now i literally have no one to talk too im done im so done with everything i want to kms im fucking over it clown me all you want i literally stay in my room 24 hours of my day and struggle with one meal a fucking day a bowl of plain rice and thats fucking it "hey mom can i go out? no i have to go do some unimportant stuff i dont care that the only time you leave the house is during school time" "hey dad can i go buy cheap accessories? no i have to buy your sister a macbook and buy your little brother 70 dollars worth of swimming trunks and i also have to go to england for 3 days with your older brother for stupid fucking reasons" and that man who is my so called dad blamed my fucking phone for "mAkInG mE tHiNk lIkE thIs" oh yeah? the only apps you let me have is literally youtube what part of floptok tiktok compilations make me think like this. i cant take it anymore im so done with my life.
Why in the hell are so many of you using this website to rant. Why can’t you do this on reddit in dedicated communities where people actually want to help. Or better yet go to a psychologist. 3 reply