your thoughts on storylines like this?
It might just be just me but like.... I hate stories where the protag CLEARLY has a set goal in life and doesn't want the change (especially after like experiencing problems like being banished or heartache or something) And they are well on their way to being in the state they want to be in.... Till some other character just comes in and messes it up!?(even worse when that character took PART in the problem that caused them to end up here)
And it's CLEAR that the protag didn't want this to happen and doesn't want the change. Like a exiled duchess is living the commoner life and is perfectly happy with just doing something, like being a florist or something, when suddenly the prince(usually from another country or was a friend but aided in the exile) comes in and is like "Hey lol I'm like soooooo sorry that we did that could you forgive me<3?" Or "I'm gonna marry you even though you clearly don't want me like that at this very moment~"
Like...No???? That's not how it works! ITS EVEN WORSE WHEN EVEN THOUGH THE PROTAG DOESNT LIKE THEM SUDDENLY A ROMANCE IS BORN and not even like they made up for their mistakes and then develop the romance but its just sudden blushing and closeness and then like after in the protags thoughts they are like 'wtf didn't this guy literally hurt me in one of the worst way possible???...but...he's so hot<3'
It's even worse when its NOT just the protag but it had affected the people close to protag like family and friends- like you ended up hurting multiple people STINKER not JUST the protag are you not gonna say sorry to the other people you ended up hurting too? or is it just protag cause "I need my [Redacted] wet"
I dunno- I just- It just gets me heated and makes me angry and end up on some self deprecating rant about stupid opinions i have like this one....I just wanna know if I'm alone in not liking these kinda stories, yknow?
I also dislike those, it's always feel like it's added just to prolong the story, but it never add anything to the story. same with the contract these kind of story almost always have. I do not mind the idea of contract, but they are never respected, so it always feel like that was added to the story just to add a few more chapters with no value to......
27 09,2023