Hey! So I'm close to a girl who is one year higher than me in uni and we met this year, our relationship is quite special because at first there was a romantic interest (but turned out we both didn't want it in the end) so we started talking a lot by messages really quickly. We told each other many personal things through messenger but didn't have the chance to often hang out together because she and I are really busy and our schedules usually don't match :/ What is really weird is that being together was often awkward since we really aren't used to physically talking together. But when I was feeling depressed, which sadly happens quite often, I'd reach out to her just to crash at her place and she'd confort me, these moments were nice because we just casually talked together. However, recently we're not talking as much as before without any particular reason, it just happened out of nowhere, but I'm still feeling down so I want to see her (she's really wonderful you've no idea) but in the same time I don't want our relationship to focus entirely on me being sad (when I'm sad I don't want to talk a lot about myself, I'm more like just hanging out with someone and talk about stuffs but not only stuff related to me you see what I mean ?) So should I continue seeing her when I'm sad (I'd like to see her more btw, it's just that it's quite difficult) ? Or should I end this relationship because it could turn out to be toxic ?
Honest suggestion. Don’t mean to offend anyone. But what is she getting out of this? It sounds also as if she is being used. If you feel like that is not the case and you want to be her friend then do not look for her when you’re sad. You need someone else to vent to that is mentally healthy that can take what you are off loading. I work as a s...... 2 reply
There are a few reasons why this thing happens.. Its not only with you, we all experience this. The fading-away-relationship-for-no-particular-reason.
1. Shes tired of you.
2. Shes found someone on the same wavelength more then you.
3. You did something to annoy her.
4. Shes just really busy.
But all in all, it lies in communication you know. If ...... 3 reply
Hi, I accidentally left my long-ass response with possible suggestions and reasons as a reply to @bliblibloo so if you want to read a wall then go there I suppose.
But tlrd; (In my opinion) A temporarily close relationship is a lot better than a unnaturally long relationship, so I think you should treasure what you can and let go of whatever you ...... reply