You cannot tell someone they have no right to be concerned over or get involved with certain issues just because you don't believe they fit into the category of people most relevant to the situation. For example...telling straight "cis" men and women that they aren't allowed to have an opinion regarding LGBTQ+ related issues. Saying men have no grounds to be concerned with abortion and shouldn't touch it.

Zero logic behind that kind of thinking, ya'll.

Ramora September 25, 2023 3:10 pm

The Abortion one is a definite no-no for me. Unless you can actually carry a human inside yourself, one that moves your organs in major ways and has a huge mental and physical toll on your body, then you have zero say in someone's medical care choices.

Gold Mine September 25, 2023 2:18 pm

So much to unpack here, but I'm fucking tired so I'll keep my online-argument addicted ass to a minimum.

No, a straight man saying abortion is not okay is not the same as a woman saying it. A woman has the direct experiences of being, yknow, a woman herself whereas a man couldn't 100% understand even if he tried. That's why they don't have the right to tell us what to do with our bodies, especially when we have to go through so much struggle, that they, wouldn't be able to experience.

Same thing for other minorities and more privileged people. For example, a white person saying the n word is okay to say, vs a black person saying it's okay to say for other people is different. Since that white person is in a position of privilege they would not be able to estimate the weight of their words and what it implies.

Another example, a cishet person saying transgenderism makes no sense versus someone in the lgbtq community saying it is DIFFERENT. The queer person has to go through constant struggles and to blend in with society they may have developed views like that. But at the end of the day they are still part of that community and experience similar things as other people in that community.

Do you get what I'm saying? It's easy to have a negative opinion on something that doesn't affect you. The most that people in privilege can do is to support minorities in their decisions.

SortaFreaky September 25, 2023 2:57 pm

Of course I understand. You're right in many ways but wrong in others.

Many of the issues relevant today have to do very much with morality, which has an objective right and wrong. Descending opinions form a complex web in terms of which ones hold the most weight, but the line from which ones are "most important" to those that flat out aren't at all is not linear.

There are many situations in which the objective truth that cannot be argued as anything but the truth, and in those cases, an opinion objected to the truth is just wrong. I do not believe in "subjective" truth. Objective morality and truth apply to every race and sex, everywhere and always.

Over your section on abortion - abortion is an issue heavily involved with morality, and I believe that's where you and I don't connect, so I don't see an agreement possible here. Abortion involves both a woman's body and the life of the baby. More than one life is involved. A man might not be able to 100% understand how it feels to experience the endless hardships of pregnancy from a woman's perspective, but he can absolutely understand the importance of it and the morality involved. Abortion is a very complicated and delicate topic, and unless you're willing to debate about that extensively, I won't touch on that any more here. Its roots go much further than this.

You said you're tired, so I'm not going to delve into your other examples as well unless you want to come back to it. Being honest, I'm hella tired too. Summary of my argument:

Some opinions absolutely can be more relevant than others given one's background and connection to the given issue. I agree. However, as I said before, that line of descending opinions isn't actually linear. It isn't okay to look at someone and immediately determine based on their race, gender, and sexuality how much weight their opinion holds.

RiverOfGlitter September 25, 2023 3:03 pm

I agree with everything. However, minority’s are still allowed to be oppressed and an oppressor, being gay doesn’t justify transphobia and is also quite contradicting because gay people know what it’s like to be told that they don’t make sense, so why go and do it to someone else? If it’s internalized I guess that’s another situation but they’re not helping anyone by projecting.

Gold Mine September 25, 2023 3:23 pm
I agree with everything. However, minority’s are still allowed to be oppressed and an oppressor, being gay doesn’t justify transphobia and is also quite contradicting because gay people know what it’s lik... RiverOfGlitter

100% true, it does no help to anyone by discriminating, esp if it's another minority, I'm just saying it's different when a cishet person is being transphobic. Def could've phrased it better though

RiverOfGlitter September 25, 2023 2:16 pm

You can have an opinion, but in the end the only one that truly matters is the person this issue affects.

Gold Mine September 25, 2023 2:18 pm


SortaFreaky September 25, 2023 2:19 pm

Their opinion is very important, but isn't the only one that matters.

RiverOfGlitter September 25, 2023 2:58 pm
Their opinion is very important, but isn't the only one that matters. SortaFreaky

Ik this isn’t your intention but it just reminds me of how men are pushing their opinions onto women to the point where they’re making laws that quite literally could kill anyone with a uterus. In the end their opinions become their so called justification for the rape of little kids and the murder of pregnant women, just because it goes against how they feel, or what they believe in. Your allowed to have an opinion but until you grow a uterus , get pregnant, have a mental battle with yourself every single fucking day, and have people yell at you that you are an abomination for wanting to get rid of the one thing that’s threatening your life and you should kill yourself and let the unborn fetus live because THEY BELIEVE that’s what right, then you should know in the long run that validating your opinion isn’t as important as someone’s life. If your the father, hell yeah, express your feelings to your wife, you can be sad, you can feel that it’s wrong, but you should love that person enough to let them make the decision on whether they want to be plagued for nine months for a child they didn't even want (and possibly die if it’s health related) just to make you feel sated and happy, or support them in what’s probably one of the hardest things they’ve ever had to do, instead of bombarding them with your opinion. Because in the end, your opinion can kill.

SortaFreaky September 26, 2023 2:26 am
Ik this isn’t your intention but it just reminds me of how men are pushing their opinions onto women to the point where they’re making laws that quite literally could kill anyone with a uterus. In the end t... RiverOfGlitter

Woah woah woah, where did justifying the rape of little kids come in here? Murder of pregnant women? Those are some intense accusations to be throwing around at an entire group. You're generalizing the intentions of all men who hold any opinions against abortion. I'm not sure if anything I could say would sway your opinion on this, because the impression that I get from that response is that you're hostile towards men in general. In other words, you already hold a low opinion of them. Am I wrong in thinking that, or...?

Not everyone who is pro-life are the monsters you're making them out to be. Anyone who treats women in the ways you're describing is cruel and sick, and a true pro-lifer wouldn't ever do such things.

toilet terrorist September 25, 2023 2:04 pm

i do agree however with the abortion thing i do hope that our opinions do not infringe on the human rights of a female.

SortaFreaky September 25, 2023 2:08 pm

Abortion on its own is a whole 'nother topic and separate post

toilet terrorist September 25, 2023 2:12 pm
Abortion on its own is a whole 'nother topic and separate post SortaFreaky


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