Lonely / not lonely
Well the thing is, im lonely as fck and kinda wonna get out of my shell but, i dunno it just doesn't work. I have few friends, and you know everyone around me is in a couple, or has crush or something. Me? Nah, just sittin around, dont have any interest nor does anybody like me. So it gets lonely sometimes. Sometimes i think how long gonna stay like this? I wonna something new, but at the same time im like: nah, dont have time for these silly things. Soooo kinda stuck kinda anxious, kinda sepressed and veeeery lonely. Just wondering is it me weid and with issues or someone can relate? This is my first time telling this i have never really opened up about this.
Hey! I've found that the weirder the person, the more interesting they turn out to be! My interests are not at all the same as anyone else that I know, my sense of humor is different and even the way I dress is out of place. I hate to be that person and be all like 'be yourself', but don't be afraid to endulge in what you like because of other people. I spent so much time trying to fit in that by the time I had time to myself, I didn't know who I was. If you ever wanna talk, my ig is @its_the_battle_art_boi
Totally get what you mean, I am the same. I find it is much easier to talk to people online to make friends for people like us because we just end up being socially awkward. We kinda shut people out, I mean I also have a few friends irl but if I am completely honest I don't feel that close to them but knowing they are there is comforting. As for the romance stuff, same boat as you but I do have interest but because of circumstances, I can't rely act on it so we aren't really that different.
Yeah, i just think it would be much better if i find somepne as weird as me cause even when i am whit my group of friends i fwel kinda left out, out of place
And thanks its great to know there are people who has same social problems
Totally understandable, if you would like, we can chat on some platform?