there's many strong signs
- usually bad at communicating
- act impulsive alot of times
- bad at showing or expressing emotions
- extremely undramatic, very undereacting
- usually ignore or misunderstands other ppl's behavior (including MC)
- mostly blunt and rude unintentionally

they the autistic clowns we was warned about
This can be a sign but, a lot of these tend to be that autistic people have trouble with emotion but it can also fluctuate the other way with some autistic people being overly emotional. Just search up hyper empathy and autism.
wait this explains alot
the amt of times id be reading just a basic romance and think "ok autistic kinggg" and then realise its just tropey writing T_T always the stoic & collected ML is SO autistic
++ im autistic myself so dont take this the wrong way bc im bad at explaining things HAHAH but i think the ditzy airheaded FL trope is also kinda Autism because they misunderstand literally everything , have bad motor skills and are very clumsy & usually only have a few friends , they can be very theatric and overreactive too
This explains so much
Okay I know your fucking around but its gotten to the point where whenever I watch something and they both MAJORLY struggle with communication I'm always like "omg just like me, I love an neurodivergent x neurodivergent couple <3 representation "
lmaooo the miscommunication is always the key to the lock of those types
i just wanted to point that out bc it was way funnier in my head