Would you create a new account in life if you could ?
Nothing much really, I'm just a dreamer
I've been wondering if I would star my life all over if I could and for my part the answer is probably no.
But it I ever woke up from a coma and start remembering that my whole life right now has just been a very long dream and I'm a completely different person, I guess I would be happy. Happy to discover those two lives I created for myself haha.
And since I wouldn't like to erase everything I've ever done in my life, I would probably like to start another life with new people, new ways of acting. Do all the things I never had the guts to do and taking a very different path for a future.
// I'll probably draw a comic about this one day hahaha
If you ever wanna talk to someone who doesn't know anything about you here's my line ID : tissusjaune
We could be friends in this timeline.
(Yo I'm a fuccing boomer and I've been searching for 10 mins how to ask questions on this website. So for now just bear with me venting a lil)
That sounds really freaking cool. It would be cool if you could switch between the accounts if you created multiple ones, and then compare and contrast the outcomes of your choices in each account. I think that would be fun to do. I used to have a lot of regret, but now I'm at peace with my choices. I truly believe things turned out in the best way......
02 03,2020