thoughts on blocking
Not just on this site. But any site/platform in general. I personally block the most on disqus. Many people to reply to comments are doing so in bad faith. I simply choose to not give them my time. I block a lot on xitter too, especially EeLawn Mower.
Apparently some people refuse to block because they view it as "losing" and will continue to engage in arguments so they can be the "winner". Honestly never knew this was a thing lol I thought you should just block the moment the conversation turns hostile and/or drags on too long.
I don't view it as winning or losing, I prefer to think whether I've made my case or not. If I have and if the other person isn't focused on the point anymore and have resolved to insults or side-tracking, then I block to disengage and prevent childish arguments. I block because I can tell it is not necessary to keep talking.
Do you block? Why or why not?
ive said this before so ill just copy and paste my answer here, i think its fucking petty to block someone in an argument. You shouldnt be blocking anyone as long as you know YOUR in the right and they are in the wrong. If you block someone, its obvious you know what your saying is wrong and what the other party saying is right so you dont have eno......
1 reply
10 09,2023