Fiction and real life is different

BL Army BL Army 2023-09-05 09:28:22 About thoughts about rape in fiction
Rape have two sides in the fictional world :-
1. The Manhwas that show rape as how it is in real life (disgusting,traumatizing,painfull,etc).
Ex : Pearl Boy, Sadistic beauty

2. The Manhwas that show the fictional made up concept of rape that is totally different from real life rapes. Here rape is romanticized and used as an element to spark love between two characters...or sometimes it's just straight up porn with minimum to no plot.....
Ex : Darkfall, Placebo

So even if you enjoy 2nd one it's okay as long as you know that the 1st one exists and is fucking disgusting in real life.
Well....the main thing here is....if you are uncomfortable then just don't read it and stop criticising others who do and the writers since they know the difference between real life and fiction and if you like it then do because it's all fiction and it doesn't encourage or demotivate's just not the real one get's hurt if you like it here and hate it in real life.....

Like the Manhwa "Darkfall" is basically just porn for me at this has rape in like every chapter but I know it's fiction so I am just enjoying it as hardcore porn and am still very against rape in real life....because real life has humans and not characters.....

Young readers probably won't understand how fictional word works because they are new and think that everything is related to the real world and that the writers here are trying to normalize their plots in real life...So please stay away and don't read if you are uncomfortable....♡


k.. September 5, 2023 10:28 am

Rape isn't excusable no matter what. It shouldn't be romanticized or used as a plot device to create romance stories. I just don't get what's so exciting about someone getting sexually assaulted and then fall in love with their rapist. Such a romantic interaction. Such a good start for them, right? It's either you're making everything fucked up til the end (like madk) or you're not using this shit to bound two characters.

It's amazing how it's always on BL side tho.. make the guy who's being SA a girl and you're all gonna come and destroy it. It's no longer "just fiction, don't read if you don't like" but a disgusting story. Downvoted and the comment section full of people calling it out. Really amazing, heros.
Society fails so bad to listen to men who are victims of SA, that's why there's so many that are not speaking up when it happens IRL. Don't pull this shit on stories too when you're writing about "boys' LOVE".

BL Army October 9, 2023 9:14 am

Hey....I think you are mixing Fiction and real life.....fictional stories don't hurt anyone in real life.....fiction stories are meant to be far away from reality.....and if it was a case in real life then I am sure everyone would support the victim because they are a REAL PERSON.....Fiction is just supposed to be enjoyed and not overthought's not like we are encouraging rape.....we know it is wrong in real what if we read it in fiction?No one is getting hurt......if you don't like or feel uncomfortable when reading rape content then DON'T READ IT.....stop attacking people who KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FICTION AND REAL LIFE.....STOP RELATING FICTION TO REAL LIFE.....IT ISN'T REAL....

key October 10, 2023 6:12 am
Hey....I think you are mixing Fiction and real life.....fictional stories don't hurt anyone in real life.....fiction stories are meant to be far away from reality.....and if it was a case in real life then I am... BL Army

you're really challenging aren't you, "BL army". not to mention you're typing like a 12 years old but you're incapable of reading what I wrote. you're reusing the same phrase again like you're some kind of cult, are you trying to convert me to your deranged mindset?? :(
grow up sweetheart, you need to understand some things shouldn't be romanticized. my experience shouldn't be displayed as something good. and a fujoshi shouldn't be telling people that we should accept her weird kinks. like please address it as it, you enjoy reading forced sex :) don't you feel the butterflies too, baby? haha. stop saying you guys are soooooo fucking innocent and you know how to tell the difference between fiction and reality. poor you.. who am I to attack your innocent souls . I say, let's allow people who "enjoy fictional stories" of CP to do the same. they're as innocent as you. because they can tell the difference between fiction and reality too. wdym that boner is a sign they should be jailed up--? ITS FICTION.

idk who you think you're talking to. because I ain't a kid but you definitely are and I think you should go off reading gay porn for a while. it's brainwashing your thoughts about atrocious things like rape and it's not okay

BL Army October 10, 2023 9:33 am
you're really challenging aren't you, "BL army". not to mention you're typing like a 12 years old but you're incapable of reading what I wrote. you're reusing the same phrase again like you're some kind of cult... key

.....I was just trying to tell you that fictional rape are most of the time mistaken as rough sex....there are rape fictions that depict actual real life rape.....and I don't thunk anyone likes that.....what is your problem? No one is getting hurt by what they read here.....I literally said that whatever written in a story or shown in a drama or manhwa is not always promoting or demoting something in real life......there are so many fucked up horror stories that don't even have rape but are messed up.....It's pure fantasy and mature ones know that those stories are just for entertainment......I am not trying to turn you into anyone....just trying to make you understand my pov.....If I like murdering people plots in fiction that doesn't mean I will go around murdering people because I know it's wrong and I will end up in jail.....Fiction is created so that you can forget what's wrong for once and just carry on with it.....according to you what is rape? One person says stop and the other doesn't.....sometimes in rough sex scenes this don't just call it rape,right? Would you call CBAW ch146 rape? Or Stranger than friends chapter 10 rape? Both of these are not rape to me but just rough sex.......some Manhwas do contain rape and Yandere lovers like in A tree without is a great manhwa with an amazing plot and the rape scenes actually fit the was probably rape in one scene and the rest were just rough sex because the uke had to give consent in the next's toxic and abusive but that doesn't make the manhwa any less interesting.....many people like reading toxic stuff online....doesn't mean they want toxic stuff in real life.....because in reality toxic love doesn't turn out to be good and the Yandere lovers are dangerous....I'm tired....why don't we just remeber how horrific rape is in real life and continue reading the romanticised version cause who care? We care about reality enough to care about Fiction....don't like it?don't's as simple as that.....

key October 10, 2023 10:07 am
.....I was just trying to tell you that fictional rape are most of the time mistaken as rough sex....there are rape fictions that depict actual real life rape.....and I don't thunk anyone likes that.....what is... BL Army

oh god.. you're a lost cause. I gave you a better example than criminals. because in those horror movies they're not represented as a good thing. they're bad.

but I told you about people reading cp. because it's the same shit. it's the normalization of pedophilia, but hey the little one is like 400 years old so it's okay. the same you said that yeahh the guy said no but it was only rough sex.. without his consent, but it's definitely not rape. LOOK! now he's mad in love with his rapis- his soulmate. such a great story. again, did u feel those butterflies while he was constantly refusing a guy he probably only met a few days ago? gay men be doin that./j

I completely understand people who may be enjoying messed up stuff.. I like good psychological stories too. they're exciting, they're interesting but we're not talking about psychology here, and you know that. we're talking about romance. we're talking about two men who are supposedly endgame and who start their relationship with rape.. just to give the readers some sex scenes. nothing is exciting about rape being normalized like this in a love story.

and yk what's even more upsetting? ppl like you are the first to call out rape or.. "rough forceful sex" under a straight love story. go to any story who starts like this and be assured people won't turn a blind eye. but when it comes to men it's another story and it's really fucked up when you remember how much society ignores men's SA experiences, ignores to help or to listen to them. it's damaging when you know how many underage girls maybe even boys are here reading this shit and don't realize how wrong this is and how much we shouldn't be romanticizing something as wrong as this, being it fictional or not.. like what's next on your list.. slavery? pedophilia..? oh wait they exist already.

Kittencaboodle September 5, 2023 9:58 am

That’s a sensible explanation. It’s a very divisive topic but I think you have made good points.

There are stories I read that I appreciate the effort an author makes in respectfully addressing the trauma associated with rape, some where I may not like it’s use but I move past it in anticipation of better story to come, and some that really piss me off for assorted reasons. I choose not to read what I don’t like, that’s important. I can put a book down, leave a remark so I don’t read it again, and move on because it’s fiction. I may leave a scathing review with my reasoning, but I won’t go crap all over someone else who was able to enjoy the story.

!~HeyHeyPeople~! September 5, 2023 9:50 am

Yes you are right, if there’s rape in a manwha, I’ll read it and I won’t enjoy it’s but the COMMENTS people say about it, that’s what I’m fucking uncomfortable about.. I’ve literally seen people literally just say “So what if he got raped.. He still enjoyed it.” The manwha is fine, it’s the MF people bro

Kittencaboodle September 5, 2023 10:46 am

Those sort of commenters are awful. Can’t believe they write that crap.
I agree too, the kind of ignorance of saying “he enjoyed it” is the worst. Being able to wring out a physical response can simply be an involuntary reaction that does not equate to enjoyment. Even worse, those who were raped yet their body responded to stimuli against their will, they struggle with some serious additional mental trauma and self hate.

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