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"If I don't move they can't see me"   5 reply
22 06,2020
I'd listen and cringe.... If its a friend i'd be scarred 0-0   1 reply
28 02,2020
I'd probably just join them...but if I'm too tired I'd just ignore it. I'm a pretty chill guy so I don't really care about stuff like that. But I'd also recommend the person to just do it when I'm not near, I can get pretty out of control sometimes.   reply
27 02,2020
I would probably do A: Fake Sleep since I'm not daring in real life, in fact I'm quite shy. Being online brings out my more outgoing personality   1 reply
17 06,2020
I will go back to sleep, I guess I'm just that sexy . But sexy people get tired too, so I'mma sleep. Unless they're a guy in which case I'll get mad cause they will stain my sheets, so I'mma have to kindly ask him to stop ️   1 reply
06 09,2020
If it’s a friend who I don’t have any romantic feelings for I would be extremely uncomfortable ╥﹏╥ I’d probably pretend to be asleep but if they come closer to check if I really am (like you said in option A) I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep my composure   reply
18 06,2020
26 08,2020
The only friend I would think would do this is the one who slaps everyones ass. If it's them I'd turn around and say "you called?" See where it goes from there. We would probably still be slapping each others asses at the end of the day.   reply
04 03,2020

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