Sexism in shoujo
Ever think about how a lot of shoujo is lowkey sexist?
Like the whole reason why i got into shoujo in the first place was because i disliked how a lot of shonen only had female characters there for 2 purposes.
1. For hot fan service
2. To like the MC
And the majority of the female characters didnt really have a purpose beyond that
But the more shoujo i read the more i see that it also has a problem with sexism but its just portrayed differently
Like a lot of the times every female character other than the MC again fits into 2 roles
1. Worships the ground the MC walks on because the MC is perfect so why wouldn’t she
2. Evil bitch who is jealous of the MC and wants to steal her man
I think 2 is the worst because of how much more common it is and how much worse the implications are. Weather its male characters doing worse than female characters and still being forgiven while their female counterparts get an overly cruel punishment. Or how readers are so quick to hate a female character over the smallest things but will forgive a male character who is just pure garbage.
Like i could go on but i feel like this is already too long so what do you guys think?
I like shoujos but tbh it's annoying if the main charecter is like a 30 ish woman in a 5 year old body and everyone is like OMG she is so smart and cute. It feel ingenuine. Also I hate Mary Sue's. Everyone thinks they're perfect and are in love with them. But all they are doing is being cute and a damsel is distrees. They never have charecter devel......
01 09,2023