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girl he ain't the man, he doesn't care. don't cry over him, hit him with a car   reply
31 08,2023
Girl I was in a similar situation, leave this man straight up wth hes clearly the dominant one in this relationship and not even in a good way, u didn't even state a good thing about this man and that says enough,   1 reply
31 08,2023
He might stuff going on in his life right now but that doesn't mean its okay for him to neglect your relationship. Clearly, he doesn't have the time for you or just doesn't care enough about you. You need to communicate to him about this issue, if he doesn't respond with comprimise or a justified explanation you shouldn't stay. If theres any gaslig......   1 reply
31 08,2023
I'm sorry that you went through all of these, you deserve better. I don't think you're being clingy, what you feel right now is valid. One thing I can tell you is, understanding, communication, and transparency are the keys. Idk, cause some men they're stoic and expressionless like that as they're more drown into action. But based on what you told ......   1 reply
31 08,2023
I wanted to add some more context here— When he says he's busy, he's actually busy.. at least that's what I'm presuming. He doesn't come online much. Before we'd talk via Instagram, but we had some conflict n then blocked each other there.. i unblocked him while he still hasn't. I mentioned that to him before n he said that ge doesn't use ig now.......   1 reply
31 08,2023


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