Mangago Users Try to Have 5th Grade Level Reading Comprehentions Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

Thalia Thalia 2023-08-27 09:19:30 About your opinions
I always see people on this site complaining about toxic/abusive tops in BL comics (which is fine obv) but the way that people genuinely can't tell that a top is abusive if the author does not go out of their way to explicitly show the bottom being abused MULTIPLE TIMES is insane. The author has to spell out to readers that the character is abusive otherwise people won't get it.

In Jinx, the top is very violent and has anger issues. Duh. Anyone who reads even one chapter of Jinx can tell that the top is a huge piece of shit.
But characters in other series have the exact same traits and personality of the guy from Jinx, but no one can ever tell that these characters are abusive for some reason. So many characters with very obvious abusive traits are praised and worshiped among the BL community. The only time when BL readers are up in arms about abusive tops are when the author tries as hard as possible to make a character the dictionary definition of abusive.

I have never seen BL readers get their panties in a twist about emotionally or psychologically abusive characters. In Love is an Illusion, the top literally pressures the main character to keep a baby he most definitely does not want, and you want to guess which character the readers hate the most?
Well it's definitely not the top who tries to emotionally wear down and bribe their "partner" to keep a baby they don't want. It's the bottom who is, understandably, very distressed because of this unexpected pregnancy and hates the man who literally took advantage of him while he was not in a sound state of mind. Yet the only time I ever see someone complaining about an abusive top, it's only ever about the tops from Jinx, Waterside Night, or Painter of the Night.

If you're going to complain about abusive characters, at least know what abuse other than physical is.

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