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The bee movie was pretty weird. Watching it as I got older, I understood what I was watching and when you think about it, It was hella weird.   reply
22 08,2023
This one movies where its a bunch of alien gremelin lookin thingies no bigger than a rat that killed a little girl in the bathtub then when her mom came lookin for her the said" [daughter's name] is gone now" and attacked the mom offscreen. Ive tried lookinf for the movie but only got this movie called critters. Oh also this other movie where a gin......   reply
22 08,2023
It felt like a fever dream, when I was a kid.   1 reply
22 08,2023
Little bee Julia and lady life. I could never forget about it. Some of the scenes still hunts my dreams.   reply
22 08,2023
This "Family Cartoon" movie   reply
22 08,2023

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