Disgusting people
I'll be honest with yall, I really, really hate women that basically look naked with 'clothes'. And when I say men, women, I'm generalising here. They look naked no matter what, as if it's ok. Clothes are supposed to protect and cover you, keep you chaste and modest, EVEN FOR MEN. It's not make you look cheap as if a beggar. But instead a beggar for money, you look like a beggar to be used as a toilet for men. I don't care what you want to look like, that's your fantasies, but reality and facts don't care about what you like and dislike. Facts don't even care about your opinions. Because if you don't follow the facts and reality, they will hit you with its truth. The way many crazy people run countries like america, how many women are r@ped and assaulted because of whatever way of 'freedom' and they blame men for that? Reality is showing you with its hard truth that it's just.. dumb. Many have brothers, sons, fathers, and they are clear examples as to why men are nessesary. Yet you want to be in the right and they are in the wrong? You're clearly not thinking realistically. All that burden on men?? And we don't have to be pressured to do what we like?? As women, try to wear more appropriately, and as men try to do the same. And we should all also not stare. But if women wear those disgusting kinds of clothes, try not to look, but I'll also not be surprised if horney and disgusting people might do otherwise. If I saw a sexy man on the streets wear fhe same, and if I was crazy and unstable with my desires especially, then I'm sure me and plenty of other unstable and crazy people will go after that man because he wears such obscene clothes. I don't care if you want to express through the way you dress. Because by nature, and it should be obvious, we like looking at bodies, and in every society there are the extremes. Bodies are the main reason for sex. I don't understand why you make it seem like it's not for that reason, otherwise, we don't need to be men and women. We wouldn't need to have genders, and we would be gone. Because without reproduction, we really are just gone!! You might say it's their fault, but what about the crazy women at fault as well? They might be fewer in number, but they do exist. The same for female pedos, rapists, ALL are worse than garbage, not just females. And this is all because of stupid 'I want to freely express myself' but you're putting on a porn show. What about the kids? What about others? What about your own dignity as a human being? Unless you have mental problems, do you really want to be degraded and looked at as an object? This is why I'm angry yet not surprised with the levels of rapists and assaulters, as well as victims increasing BY A LOT. Y'all who think like that clearly don't truly think for others nor for yourselves. You are just selfish with your DESIRES and UNREALISTIC. Even if you do think of others, it's based on your own desires, NOT on reality and facts. And maybe some of y'all have serious mental issues.
bro venting on a porn site who hurt u
19 08,2023