Banned, alone and hated.

MinDmg MinDmg 2020-02-19 01:12:56 About break up with friend
So I got into a huge fight with my friend and got banned. So I went to play a multi-player game and thought I got along with everyone and had a really great time but then after everyone on the server turned against me which made me realize that I might not be liked. I feel like everyone hates me and it bothers me and I can't sleep. Have you ever felt like this before?


HitMePls__ May 11, 2020 2:07 am

I have this one friend i met at highschool years ago, shes pretty friendly and bubbly and (she always use japanese words in chatting like giving me -san honorifics and ohayo and everything which i dont mind)she is really opposite of my past self; shy af and coward yeah you named it. We both is into anime and the others are kinda racist to it so we're like have each others back.

Since shes really friendly and stuff, she sometimes speak everything without a thought that caused her to say pretty harsh words at me.. i dont really mind at first since i think at least shes honest.

So that one peaceful day, we got into a really childish fight cause of a misunderstanding.. where i spend my time with other student who turns out like anime too. The other one really spread that good vibes and i dont feel any pressure or hurt unlike that girl. So we three started to hang out.

But one day the girl said i have changed when im with the other student and im like oh okay and she want me to be her bff only And YEH THE FIRST THING CLICKED IN MY HEAD IS " NANI THE FISH"

She really did a good job playing with my weakass mental and emotion back then like one time she said mean stuff and then wham she bein nice. And i was like should i protest but no shes nice but--

After that (months later), i got more matured and realized that its about time for my fuckin comeback.

Shes tryin to be like yandere type girl.

Cause right before i cut my ties with her she freakin threaten to cut me if i stay friends with others too much but if im with her, her emotion changes like how u changes u husbandos/waifus everyday. And yes she loves stalking. I caught her reading my notes and stuff to see if im hiding something from her but i pretend i didnt see it cause i dony wanna cause more problems.

Sorry for the long ass story

Natsukey March 13, 2020 4:08 pm

Not the same experience, but I thought I made a whole bunch of friends at work. I even hung out with some outside of work. Though, the moment I got fired, everyone who I thought would stay in contact, haven't. I even planned a hangout with this girl(who also got fired around the time I did), she agreed and when the hangout date came she made an excuse not to show. Being the understanding person that I am, I told her "its fine, rain check, when should we plan again?" And it shows shes seen the message but haven't replied back, a month later I'm like "She probably thought she replied back." and I text her a silly screenshot post to break the tension and was like "silly content amirite??" she does the same thing and doesn't reply.
I then gave up on her and texted a good amount of coworkers I used to speak to and they all either didn't read it at all or seen/read the text and didn't text back.

So I understand your emotions rn. Bcuz I feel them too rn. It's like I know I made them laugh on numerous occasions, I'd be their listener for there life problems, they'd sometimes came to me to simply give me a hug. So what even changed??

I see that you texted about your fight 23days ago. So, hopefully y'all made up and the group stops not talking to you. Because it really is a shitty feeling for not one but a large amount, if not all, of friends you talk to stops all together.

break up with friend

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