How to deal with angry mom that hates u. Lol
Moms personality = im right you're wrong. Im the boss of this house so u gotta listen to me. If ure on my side, great. If ure not on my side, fuck u, ure my enemy but ill try and act nice to u with a knife behind my back. If ur mad at me and dont want to talk to me it wont bother me cuz at the end ull come back to me and in always right.
It may sound bias but thats how i c her.
Problem = me and her always get along well. Then one day i got grounded for the first time i came home 15 min late than the time that she told me to come home by. Its been a week, she doesnt talk to me if its not necessary, no eye contact, doesnt prepare food for me so now i hafta cook by myself and worst of all she throws tantrums at me multiple times at me (she never done that before)
Me = rn i dont wanna b the one who says srry cuz i think that shes taking it too far (the throwing tantrums at me) but im kinda chill but at the same time scared cuz she will hit me. So im trying to find a way to deal with her without getting killed lol.
Do i ignore her when she shout at me? Avoid her? Meditate? Say srry (oh pls dont make me do that, id rather die)
Let me start by saying - if there is violence or the threat of it, don’t try to deal with the situation on your own. Ask for help from other family members (your dad, siblings, grandparents, uncles our aunts), your teachers or social services.
What it took for me to “fix” my relationship with a similar type of parent:
1. Realizing they’r......
18 02,2020