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Cleopatra 15 08,2023
I mean I'd wager 95% of shounen and seinen action manga writers have never even breathed next to a woman and have very weird/no ideas of what women could possibly be like which tends to make a lot of female characters weird by extension. And from that 5% like 2% are the women who write shounen and seinen lol (like FMA or D. Gray Man) and they can b......   reply
15 08,2023
14 08,2023
fear of having romance in the story??? other than that I think it's misogyny. if the reader think the Female character annoying while on other hand likes the male character, it's either them being a fujoshit/fudashit or yeah, misogynist.   2 reply
14 08,2023
A lot of us arent sexist its jut we dont want to see women in most of the genre because theyre only put there to be saved, are useless, or just hella over sexualized and annoying. There are a lot of good female leads or side characters but lets be realistic it gets annoying when a new girl with the appearance of a child has boobs the size of bowlin......   reply
15 08,2023
Ninuhuju 15 08,2023
It's because most authors are male and have no idea how to properly write female characters. Male writers can come up with tons of reason for guys to fall in love with girls. But when trying to think up reasons for girls to fall in love with boys, they draw a blank. So they usually just make up some ridiculous and/or shallow reason. Modern storyte......   reply
15 08,2023
15 08,2023
Nah, i can sometimes like females in action but thats few and far inbetween. No i don't feel "threatened" by female charas if they show up, bonus points if they are useful. It's just author are kinda... shit? At writing female charas. Like in 'The Novel's Extra', i actually like the female characters because they at least serve a purpose and go thr......   reply
15 08,2023
its like when ppl automatically h8 on characters like uruaka and Amy the hedgehog. I FUCKING LOVE THEM SM WOMEN R AWESOME. ILOVE WOMEN.   3 reply
14 08,2023
blehhhh 14 08,2023
Misogyny has existed for so long that its now disguised as an opinion r we rlly surprised U c mfs calling women useless then saying its their opinion in the SAME breath   reply
14 08,2023
my biggest reason is, whenever a female character is introduced she would most probably end up being the love interest, and that annoys me. see if its a good action with reasonable romance i get it, but when they just force it, it makes the female charac desperate for love iygwim plus the female charac in action have so much fanservice that it pi......   1 reply
15 08,2023
vasya 15 08,2023
Most ppl aren’t saying it for that reason. There will be some with that reasoning, there always is, but imo it’s not the main reason. It’s bc female characters in action manhwas are often horrifically written, written and drawn from the male-gaze, often sex objects (tho not always), and lack the sort of characterisation given to male characte......   reply
15 08,2023
15 08,2023
It's because a well written female character that won't eventually become a potential love interest in an action series is near impossible. A phrase that I like to use is "I like her as a character, hate her as a love interest." This is because most romance in action is poorly written and shoe horned in. ALSO, whenever a good character becomes t......   reply
15 08,2023


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