Off the top of my head i can say when im reading a story or watching a show and the mc kisses someone and int their head theyre like yay were dating but the other person doesnt see it as that and it always goes on for like weeks before they realise that the other person didnt think anythink of their kiss and doesnt even think about their kiss ╥...... reply
this happened today... i was walking with my friend and we saw her crush, walking towards us and soon as he saw her getting closer he turned around and sprinted ....we just stood like idiots in the middle of the park reply
my brother's friend invited himself to hang out with my brother and i because i think he's in love with my (straight) brother and thought i was his date?? we went to this new boba place and the friend called my brother and asked what he was doing and my brother told him where were we at and this guy showed up 5 min later??? he was so bad at flirtin...... reply