A supposed GROUP project

CyanYey!! CyanYey!! 2023-08-13 14:37:29 About being awake for far too long
Its that time, once again, the end of the semester where there are lots of activities ensued by our 'lovely' subject teacher.. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

I promised myself to get the normal sleeping routine for the upcoming school year and I did, except on the last semester because of one particular 'group' project. #-.-)

I thought I already done my part, so proud, for the first time of my life that I did something that I actually did something that I have a BIG part with, you know what I mean? So proud that I even brag it out to my friends, family and etc.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

But my groUP BEING AN AS—being my... group—take note that they agreed, like WE agreed, and also them talking so big (and me being a fool trusting them that they can do it)— so when I thought I've done my part, those people that canNOT TAKE A LIL' BIT OR RESPONSIBILITY IN THEIR FUC— so apparently me I have take this matter on my hands, taking the last remaining work, fingers locked whenever I tap on the keyboards, eyes instinctily closing by themselves without my permission, then WIFI being a big B at that time that I decided to sleep (between 3 and 4 AM) and woke up early (around 5 AM), now FINALLY finished my role, I go to school at noon for another project. My free time? I spend the rest of the remaining lights of the day with my best friend instead of sleeping. (●'◡'●)

Yeh, F those lil sh*ts. I didn't include those on the final list for the project. (●'◡'●)凸


Kittencaboodle August 13, 2023 2:48 pm

Oh I feel this. It sucks to be the conscientious one who wants the good grade and strives hard to not let others down. I had one who was so bad at uni, she gave us 5 dot points as her contribution to our presentation. Said sorry, but she went to Bali for the 2 week holidays and just got back. My friend and I just took that piece of shite and ignored it. Spent the weekend researching and prepping her section for Monday. Got a High Distinction grade which she darn well shared for her 5 freaking dot points (#゚Д゚)
We reported her lack of contribution after, just so if she did it again she could be held responsible.

CyanYey!! August 13, 2023 2:38 pm

BTW, english not my 1st language so sorry for the mistakes.


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