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You lose a bit of yourself to be with them. At least that’s what happened to me. I moved for him. I changed my whole life.   reply
22 02,2020
So... My experience with love is a lil different from the usual answers. I never felt my heart bitting like crazy or felt nervous, I always feel comfortable around him. Im dating my actual boyfriend for 2 years now n we werent rlly friends before, but now he is like my partner in crime LOL For me love is like that, buuut... I think you want a mo......   reply
22 02,2020
22 02,2020
When you fell in love with someone it feels like you can accept their imperfections no matter what will he/she become in the future you will still accept that person. Whenever you see him/her it's like they're glowing. Getting near that person and just by seeing things that reminds you of that person makes your heart beat fast just like after runni......   reply
22 02,2020
I was definitely like that at first too. There were many guys I liked, but never loved. I thought I was really in love with them until I met my true first love. It was indeed different than anything I felt before. Not just about a faster beating heart, I was incredibly happy whenever he texted me and despite being a shy girl, I went out of my com......   1 reply
22 02,2020
Hi sweetheart, I'm assuming you're in the grades mentioned at the end? Firstly, everyone experiences love differently and no relationship is going to feel like the same "love" as another. I've dated someone where I loved them intellectually but not physically and vice versa. I have friends who fall in love at first sight and others who take months ......   1 reply
15 02,2020
I think the song “Why Can’t I” does a great job.   reply
22 02,2020
Being in love sort of hurts a little and it can feel like a deep phantom ache just above your stomach, which might also make little "flip flops" that are just surges of adrenaline. But beyond the physical feeling, it's being around a person who truly gets you for who you are and who you want to be a better person for because they inspire you. Other......   reply
20 02,2020
Well, if you love someone or are crushing on someone, you just know. There nothing more to say, that’s it. It doesn’t make a lot of sense but that’s just how it is. Then again there is a possibility that you could be aromantic. Being aromatic if you don’t already know means that you do not experience romantic attraction. I don’t know a l......   1 reply
23 02,2020

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