Is this just me??
I feel like this is just me but all my friends always have crushes but I rarely have them, and probably haven’t had one in maybe 3 years. My friends though have a main one for a year or something like that and mini ones throughout it and I don’t understand
Like I’m totally shallow don’t get me wrong I think physical looks are important and I can look at something and understand they are attractive but I just can’t understand how you could like someone for just their looks? Like i feel no connection to attractive people if I don’t know what their personality is.
Like my friends have crushes on people they never talk to and It just doesn’t make sense to me because I need to know a person before I even like them as a person, so I don’t understand how you could like someone romantically without ever talking to them
It’s not like I’m craving a relationship but it’s not like I would never want it to happen, it’s just that I don’t have crushes ever and I feel like I’m missing out on some experience that everyone is having and it doesn’t make it any better that I feel like I struggle to actually become comfortable around people because I dislike eye contact but I also need to look at people’s faces, especially introverted peoples faces to understand how to react compared to how they react
Sorry for this being so long I just want to know that I’m not the only one that has crushes rarely