Falling in love
I'm 18Y old and man , I don't know whats wrong with me but I just can't fall in love. I do have a crush sometimes , like I can like sm , but never be in love with them. It's just a NO for me and I don't know why.
I like the apparence but when we talk it's just " AND I OOP"
I'm very passionate ( scorpio lol ) , I can flirt , I actually love flirting , I love attracting ppl , and It works , but Man I just don't know whats wrong with me.
Ngl dude that’s kinda sad . Good that ur not a chav tho :)
Plus ur only 18, life wil works itself out- focus on your priorities at the moment:))
(This is advice from a 14 year old girl £
12 02,2020