I want to but at the same time I don't want
Not gonna lie,everyone wants to fall in love.Including me ,whom people often called as a "Stone heart" .For 20 years,I never yet fall in love nor did I date anyone. I want to try dating someone but I felt like it's a waste of time and money.Yes ,you can call me materialistic. To add more,probably because I'm a huge turn off since I don't like to start a conversation and I suck at flirting.Oh I almost forget that I'm ugly which is a huge turn off for most guys.
well the most basic start .. not only for romance.. would be to not speak so negatively of yourself :D
classic thing to say buut from experience I can say it's true: you attract what you show the world? Or smth.. like if you think you're a no one then you won't attract anyone either^^