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At work during lunch break, though tbh pretty much anywhere I can get Wifi - as a fujoshi I got very offended when asked by a very straight dude (in a kind of hopeful voice) if I was reading Ecchi (because luckily all he saw was the manga part, not the man on man butt-sex part. That is ONE conversation I don't want to have with my colleagues!) Lout......   reply
16 11,2016
In the school corridoors during breaks. I remember being on edge like all the freaking time, especially since we had a principal who used to fucking sneak up on you while you were on your computer and ask what you were working on. Me? Studying? HAH! As if...   1 reply
22 11,2016
On the city buses....especially if you're reading the paperback versions instead of the electronic versions. Those covers can really draw in the stares from other riders. (⊙…⊙ )   reply
22 11,2016
The Church. Old people stared at me weirdly the whole time. True story. xD   2 reply
16 11,2016
Public transport. I kinda like it, the excitement and adrenaline rushing through my head. Kinda like experiencing what the uke feels when his seme is reading to gobble him up. Ahhhh, the feels. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   reply
19 11,2016
Doctor's office! I had to wait over 2 hours and they had free wifi. I read both paper back and online lol.   1 reply
18 12,2016
literally anywhere - as long as i can hide my phone screen to a reasonable degree.   reply
22 11,2016
In the living room with your whole family, because my seat is tilted away from everyone's vision! XD If someone had good enough eyesight I wonder if they would see mini-dicks reflected in my gaming glasses. Lmao! (≧∀≦)   reply
22 11,2016
Oh man I have too many answers to this one lol. Most of the time on the school bus or in the school cafeteria. Im always super on edge when I read yaoi in public lol. But you know what sucks? MY OWN ROOM isn't all that safe either. I share a room with my freeloading older sister who hasn't moved out yet she always looks at me funny and tells me t......   reply
23 11,2016
Train, class, bus... I never cared about getting caught LOL   reply
23 11,2016

first kiss

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