Here's mine so basically i was in 5th grade and it was around the time i first started wearing bras and my mom is very conservative so she didn't really explain how to wear it well so when i was in class my bra fellt very uncomfy and it kept on bothering me so I took it off with out taking off my shirt and put in my desk. later i forgot abt it and accidentaly knocked it out and it was on the ground near my desk. When it was around lunch time everyone got up to leave, but one girl near my desk saw it and was like ewww what is that. Me being the amazing actor I was also said ewww and then i was like we should throw it away and i put it in one of the small trash cans in our class. I thought that would be the end of it and went to lunch. Little did I know it would get worse. So we get back from lunch and one boy had to throw something away AND SAW IT IN THE TRASH. he then started yelling THERE A BRA IN THE TRASH the whole classs was like what?? and a lot of kids went to go see. and it was this huge thing. usually if our normal teacher was there she would stop it but we had a subtitute teacher and he looked like he had no idea what to do. I just sat in my seat the whole time and prayed that no one would find out it was me. AND NOBODY DID
Probably that one time I was about to bury her, totally thought I finished her off, then I just took the boy out and pissed on her and she screamed 'I'M NOT DEAD YET!!!' Hahahaha a lil' oopsies What fun times. 1 reply