What is the weirdest term for 'dick'/'cum' have you ever heard or read? Like it needs to be weird enough that you stopped for a minute to process whatever you heard or read. I'll go first. I was reading a manga I don't remember which one but it had a sex scene where she called the dude's cum 'Dick Cheese'. I never touched it ever again. So yea, now it's your turn. (⌒▽⌒)
my time to SHINE!!! (my top 8!)
1. N/A
2. Dick cheese (obvi)
3. His love whistle
4. Nestled armadillo
5. Shuffled card deck
6. Dick-o-roma
7. Golly gee stick
8. His thrusting machine
sum came from either ao3 or a manga,, 2 reply