So, I have been wondering, how many of us got out of the closet while the forums were gone? I had a rough idea that I was definitely into girls and a bit into boys (not just aesthetically) back then. I tried to come out as bisexual but my dad was against it and told me to not mention that nonsense in front of anyone. I got into Wicca (the community one with mentorship) when I was rebelling in school but I ended up finding a kind community of women who were kicked out for being attracted to women and/or being trans. Through OneTopic and TheClick's communities, I finally got the confidence and support I always wanted. I am finally out of the closet and a lot of people in my family accepts it. I think some of them need more time, they are all kind people and have never been homophobic. They just didn't expect it from me.
Im slightly out of the closet in school, trying to hard to "look" and "act" like a straight girl but i dont think they're buying it. As for my family they will never know. 2 reply