Opinions on a situation
So I met a guy while playing. He seemed like a good person so after a month or two of talking we started dating. Of course he sent me pictures of himself, told me his name, where he lives, age and I even got to talk to his parents and friends.
He seems legit so I told my mom about him. She panicked when I told her and almost made brake up with him. Eventually mom and him talked on a video call and she calmed down a bit.
The problem is she's always suspicious of him and asks tricky questions. I don't want to to suspect he might be a bad person (not that I didn't considered it just don't want to be questioning every little thing he does) but my mom makes it really hard.
She even did a background research on him to make sure he was 100% legit.
My relationship with him is really good and I really like him but the anxiety of always questioning whether he is real or not hits hard. I never expressed this to him because I don't know how to. Plus his never or rarely given me a reason to doubt him/ given sketchy vibes.
I know our way of meeting wasn't the safest and I did take into consideration all that could happen. Just to clarify I'm not a minor just live with an overprotective family. And I have been dating him for a bit now.
Any advice? Opinions?
We broke up after 2 years lmao
But now I really did bring someone that will label me as the disappointment of the family
19 07,2023