What's your hot take on ALM/BLM?
If you're not interested in this topic just move on with your day and ignore it.
Y'all ik this is a porn site but hmo... I want to hear your opinions on this.
Here's mine: As one of the colored folk, the idea of ALM seems very self-centered to me. Because imo "ALM" only became a thing because 'certain people' got pressed about how black people were "getting all the attention" (that we rightfully deserved) so they found a way to insert themselves into the situation to feed their victim complex or w/e. Feel free to educate me if I'm wrong but that's just my hot take on the topic.
And before you tell me to take this to twitter, I'd rather not.
Also, if you disagree, feel free to explain why you think ALM is valid. I wanna hear both sides.
Agreed, ALM is a reactionary concept that was made only to take the spotlight away from the BLM movement and the legitimate issues they're fighting against
22 07,2021