To start off, I've read risky BL in school, the explicit stuff, on my phone in front of people (still haven't been caught lmfao) and even brought some of my hard copies to read in my free time !! :)
ALSO cause a lot of crazy things have happened in my accounting class last year and I've experienced a lot of things with this one boy, the one I consider my first love/crush and a longtime friend since Sunday school and middle school. Even though we weren't dating we'd do romantic things in class like holding hands and whispering sweet nothings to each other because we sat next to each other and were in the corner of the classroom.
It started in middle school when I started lowkey flirt-texting in middle school with him as a joke, but in high school, freshman year, I kinda ended up liking him although he was dating a friend of a friend of mine. I confessed sort of in a card to him on Valentine's day while he was still dating her, so I could put it behind me. We ended up connecting somehow again last year, sophomore year, and we ended up kinda flirt texting again, and it kinda almost got to sexy talk, y'know? with the heart emojis and suggestive words and stuff, so I got even more interested...I'd joke in my accounting class with him and at one point we started holding hands in class and I wouldn't wanna let go...especially cause we weren't dating for me it was such a huge risk because I never did these things with anyone before. We'd hold hands while leaving class too, and I was tempted to kiss him in the hallways one time...
Since I have an LG phone, there's a function called Capture+ and I secretly used it to take screenshots of our chats on snapchat and now i have it as blackmail cause the stuff he said was REALLY suggestive !!
Before I confessed, I stopped by his house (he lives in a gated community so it was almost difficult) and we got to hang out, and I remember exactly how the day played out...I laid down on the grass and watched the clouds, and we ended up sitting on a bench, leaning on each other and almost falling asleep. Why is this risky you ask? My parents were out so it was perfect for me, my siblings didn't know, and I got home wayyy past the time my work ended :)
I confessed before the school year ended, unfortunately over text, and it turned out he didn't love me enough, and the experiences he had with his ex-girlfriend hindered him from loving me more, even though all the signs pointed to us potentially being together.

the riskiest thing outta all of this was the fact that I gave him my heart, trusted him, and it was guaranteed I would do anything to have him.