This how you all look like??

TheClassPresident TheClassPresident 2021-07-20 06:37:02 About make fujoshi friends


nanak4tasukete March 20, 2025 5:36 am

why do i wanna fuck her so bad. gay style

TheClassPresident March 20, 2025 5:38 am

Girl where did you find this don't bring back my 2021 self please

nanak4tasukete March 20, 2025 6:18 am
Girl where did you find this don't bring back my 2021 self please TheClassPresident

OH MY GOD I DIDNT SEE THE TIMESTAMP IM SO SORRY FBFVHJVV i guess mangago just shows random posts. i thought it was most recent posts otherwise i never would've commented dhfjvjvj

silly June 17, 2024 12:15 am

all fujoshis look like this. god bless

Lazy_Potato June 17, 2024 4:54 am


silly June 18, 2024 3:07 am

they do, they’re all fucking weirdos lmao

kusomisopervert November 18, 2024 5:41 pm

>looks at manga list
>90% BL
You do realize its written by fujos, right?

silly November 19, 2024 12:46 pm
>looks at manga list>90% BLYou do realize its written by fujos, right? kusomisopervert

it’s unfortunate that i live in a world where women are normally the ones making bl, meaning gay men don’t have much content to begin with.

i don’t mind authors who make non-stereotypical bl. it’s funny i have to even specify that, because the average bl written by a fujoshit inaccurately shows gay relationships; instead, it’s just a fetishized, glamorized fantasy of one

kusomisopervert November 19, 2024 2:26 pm
it’s unfortunate that i live in a world where women are normally the ones making bl, meaning gay men don’t have much content to begin with.i don’t mind authors who make non-stereotypical bl. it’s funny ... silly

If you want an accurate representation read an autobiography or something.....what were you expecting from manga lol

kusomisopervert November 19, 2024 4:26 pm
it’s unfortunate that i live in a world where women are normally the ones making bl, meaning gay men don’t have much content to begin with.i don’t mind authors who make non-stereotypical bl. it’s funny ... silly

Men are not the ones making BL because it is not a genre that is aimed at them. It was pioneered by fujoshi and will always have roots in shoujo manga. If you dont like BL then what are you doing on a site full of it, why surround yourself with it and even read it? You seem more like a self hating fujo than a gay man to me.

Anime/manga isnt supposed to be realistic, it is fiction. Which is why I say that if you want an accurate representation, go watch a reality TV show, go read an autobiography. What are you doing here? Even if you look at geikomi, a genre by and for men, it is very clearly an exaggerated ideal that is far removed from reality, last time I checked men dont have giant pecs the size of a womans breasts or piss in the ass of a guy they just met walking by at the park. If you only want BL written by men, write some yourself. The reason their is hardly any male authors (there are some, which I will get to in a moment) is mostly because the genre conventions do not appeal to men. The BL I have read that was written by men was the same as stuff written by women, no better or worse. Your criticism seems to stem from some kind of misconception that men are better at writing male characters, or that gay men are somehow better at (or even interested in) portraying accurate gay relationships.

silly November 20, 2024 12:39 pm
Men are not the ones making BL because it is not a genre that is aimed at them. It was pioneered by fujoshi and will always have roots in shoujo manga. If you dont like BL then what are you doing on a site ful... kusomisopervert

i have no issue with bl, it’s just gay romance. the issue lies in women who inaccurately portray gay relationships by feminizing one of the men so it will be more appealing to other women. they create hetero-stereotypical relationships that are practically nonexistent in the real world.

i’m not going to be reading any autobiographies; thank GOD i can make my own decisions without input from a woman online

kusomisopervert November 20, 2024 4:37 pm
i have no issue with bl, it’s just gay romance. the issue lies in women who inaccurately portray gay relationships by feminizing one of the men so it will be more appealing to other women. they create hetero-... silly

Without fujoshi there would be no BL. I find it a bit sexist that you think a genre that was created by and for women would be vastly improved by men, as if men would be better at writing a genre that was literally created by women. And once again, why are you expecting realism from manga? The whole "yaoi is just straight relationships" thing is a pretty outdated take, especially in the context of modern BL. Like I dont know how you could accuse manhwa for example of being "heteronormative" when both of the guys are roid monsters.

Also Im not a chick......I just dont see the point in attacking fujos when their the ones putting out the content you consume, seems misguided and ungrateful.

kusomisopervert November 20, 2024 5:24 pm
i have no issue with bl, it’s just gay romance. the issue lies in women who inaccurately portray gay relationships by feminizing one of the men so it will be more appealing to other women. they create hetero-... silly

They ARE the target audience. BL is not "just gay romance", it has always been a genre aimed at women and your complaining that it doesnt cater to YOU specifically. If you dont like it, dont read BL.

silly November 25, 2024 12:46 pm
They ARE the target audience. BL is not "just gay romance", it has always been a genre aimed at women and your complaining that it doesnt cater to YOU specifically. If you dont like it, dont read BL. kusomisopervert

uhm. no

bl is just a vast genre of gay relationships between men. it just means “boys’ love.” yaoi is a subgenre within bl, where the target audience is female and it’s produced by females. because of this, yaoi is heavily stereotypical and sexual. i don’t know how you could get these two confused, but whatever

kusomisopervert November 27, 2024 7:44 am
uhm. nobl is just a vast genre of gay relationships between men. it just means “boys’ love.” yaoi is a subgenre within bl, where the target audience is female and it’s produced by females. because of th... silly

BL has always been targeted at women, "yaoi" is just sexually explicit BL. The distintinction between "shounen ai" and "yaoi" isnt a thing in Japan. You seem to have pretty strong opinions about something you clearly know nothing about.

silly November 27, 2024 11:33 pm
BL has always been targeted at women, "yaoi" is just sexually explicit BL. The distintinction between "shounen ai" and "yaoi" isnt a thing in Japan. You seem to have pretty strong opinions about something you ... kusomisopervert

you can do your own research, but you’re not right whatsoever

kusomisopervert November 28, 2024 12:39 am
you can do your own research, but you’re not right whatsoever silly

What research have you done exactly? The genre has always been by and for women, I can count the number of male authors on one hand.

yaoiluvr December 22, 2024 7:29 pm
it’s unfortunate that i live in a world where women are normally the ones making bl, meaning gay men don’t have much content to begin with.i don’t mind authors who make non-stereotypical bl. it’s funny ... silly

HLP MEE, how old r y’all. Never bren to an anicon??

Fujoshis are the backbone to yaois existance and BL & its popularity

U would not have yaoi/BL without them

They have also preached for gay men’s rights since the start, hence their name. They reclaimed it in a way with rotten girl not being an insult

Lazy_Potato June 16, 2024 5:31 am

this is so totally me except for some points, i'm not THAT morally detached

Lazy_Potato June 16, 2024 5:31 am


☘ Lazy_Potato ☘ March 20, 2025 9:49 am


silly March 20, 2025 11:41 am
WHAT THE FUCK PAST ME?? ☘ Lazy_Potato ☘

character development!

Rice Is Best Girl April 1, 2024 11:42 am

straight amino?????

轻轻落下来的叶子 March 31, 2024 1:20 am

most of the fujoshis I've met irl are closeted fujoshis, but yeah a lot of them like kpop... idk why

Lazy_Potato June 16, 2024 5:33 am

i wasn't a kpop fan b4 but i got into it cuz of my friend (who's also a fujo) somehow if you're a fujo, you'll get dragged into kpop one way or the other lol

Tsubaki-san~ July 20, 2021 6:40 am

LMFAO nah i mostly read gore and action but this is funny

TheClassPresident July 20, 2021 7:20 am

Same, i've read my fair share of yaoi and BL too, but I don't go on to make it my whole personality


make fujoshi friends

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