i hate black people
seeing that prob got you mad right? how you think white people felt seeing that abt them. coming from a black person: whether you hate their ancestors or not got nth to with them. im not gonna act like i dont say crap like "i hate white people" or make fun of them, but i do that shit with my friends, not on a public site where i can offend people. black people always want progress for other races but when it comes to them its cool to be prejudice. a whole double standard. imma fr need y'all to stop attacking white ppl minding their business and using "look what their ancestors did" as an excuse. stop acting like thats why, you just wanna be an asshole. i'm not perfect and i'm not gonna act like i don't make jokes but i don't post shit like that for everybody to see and not care how innocent people will get offended. also stop being a fucking savior like fr, black ppl arent thanking you or praising you, you're annoying as fuck. i dont mean people who actually try to support BLM, i mean the idiots who say dumb crap like "hoop earrings is cultural appropriation". stop trying to "educate" black people on their identity/own culture. black people are allowed to dislike white people, it pretty obv why they will. but stop normalizing attacking/insulting white people when they arent doing anything to you. because if they retaliate and call you a watermelon lover you wanna call racism when you started it. for all the white girls who go "cis white male" you sound stupid as hell, acting like y'all both not white
you see im not black im dark brown
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20 07,2021