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Barack Obama called me dummy thicc and asked if my sexy ass would attend his orgy with Michelle Obama and Kim-jung un. I politely rejected but this bitch ass mofo grabbed me right in the pussy and called me a dirty commie cum whore. I was on the verge of tears. Thankfully, Vladimir Putin came to save the day and I've had a crush on him ever s......   11 reply
09 01,2020
SEEK HELP ! I've been reading a lot of answers and it breaks my heart to see so many stories. In case some of you need it, please hear me out : I am also a victim of sexual harrassement, and each person here can see she/he's not alone. Always remember that you have nothing to be ashamed of, no matter what you were wearing that day, who you were wit......   3 reply
28 04,2020
Just wanted to say that joking about sexual assault and rape doesn’t make you cool. You might be the top reply for saying that in some shitty illegal website but you're still a piece of shit for joking about things like these   1 reply
18 04,2021
Yes. When I went to UAE for vacation, I got drunk with my friends in the club. On my way back to the hotel I was stopped by police because I was totally drunk and one of the police guys tried to rape me. It was really embarrassing experience abroad.   4 reply
19 01,2020
Countless times... I never wear skirts anymore because of the shit some dudes pull.   4 reply
19 01,2020
well ... I was probably raped when I was in kindergarten ( ̄∇ ̄") I can't remember that ... what I can remember is that my private parts hurt like shit peeing was hell for weeks ... but the worst part was the conversations with psychologists afterwards (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ I mean I can't remember anything and they pulled me down more than......   3 reply
30 04,2020
uh yeah, almost got gangbanged by my cousins and some older dudes when i was 4. they guilt tripped me into "not being friends anymore" and mind you, i used to think they were the kewl kids for swearing, dissing adults, and well, being older in general and other shits i couldn't do. and so, the naive child i was, agreed and let them do weird shit to......   8 reply
07 07,2020
well when i was 7 years old up until 12 or 13 i have been sexually harassed (i guess more like raped )by my uncle everytime he would visit our house and yes he did all sort of things i'm almost 20 yrs old now i get deppressed most of the time and i can't visit the phsycologie cause my parents think that i'm overreacting (they actually don't know )......   8 reply
19 01,2020
It went further then sexual harassment when i was younger. It was adults who werent my parents that i would be left with if my parents had work. I would be showering and they would join me. It wasnt a few times, it hasn't happened recently though. The most recent was a few years ago in seventh grade my boyfriend came over to my house and it wasn't ......   1 reply
28 04,2020
My story is a big classic, I was eight or seven years old I can't remember, I was playing with my cousin and a man in his 30s who looked really nice and gentle asked us about our neighbor's house, I told him it was just around the corner but he asked if we could come and show him the way exactly, my cousin refused but stupid me told her it's our ne......   1 reply
14 03,2020

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