Rape is disgusting.
Fiction, non-fiction doesn't matter. It's a vile act. Portraying romanticized rape in fiction is unnecessary, manipulative, and even harmful—especially when it feeds into real-life misconceptions about sexual assault that are often used to deprive rape survivors of legitimacy or justice.
Anyone can write stories about rape but should they when they know nothing about it?
It's just lazy writing.
There are stories about rape that are worth telling. But without extensive research into the problems, stereotypes, and struggles that rape survivors face—including what makes rape different from other forms of violence—it's too easy for fictional depictions to contribute to those issues rather than combat them. With so many other narrative tools out there, using rape is almost always unnecessary. There are better ways to tell nearly any story, so why use the one that tends to be both the laziest and the most harmful?
The "rape fantasy" that some of you have would be consensual. I don't think you would want to be raped by some unknown man in his late 50 or whatever.
The turn-on may be the idea of being forced to have sex for many individuals, but they do not actually want to be raped.
Say it louder for the ppl in the back
18 07,2021
Exactly it really is disgusting plz don't wish for yourself that something like this should happen to you just bc the seme is handsome, it is really pretty disgusting what they will do so do never wish something like this to happen, you will just hate yourself bc they touched you and you will be traumatized and your sleep shedule will be shitty asf......
2 reply
18 07,2021
PERIOD!! I have no idea how people can read rape scences, most of the time I skip them. I've read a couple mangas that had rape scenes and I deadass almost cried by how terrible it was. It's honestly disgusting and pathetic how people try to justify it. Rape is rape, it's something that stays forever with the victim. Even if it's fictional it's fuc......
18 07,2021
one day i hope people like you go to most of the yoai makers and slap them with common sense
18 07,2021
Just as op said, having rape in a story is fine…SO LONG as the author portrays it properly. Rape isn’t something to be romanticized or sexualized, nor is it just another plot element you can sprinkle on a story and then attempt to sugarcoat it.
There’s nothing hot or attractive or adorable about someone being sexually assaulted aga......
1 reply
18 07,2021
THANK YOU! I 100% agree with you! I can’t believe we actually need to explain this
1 reply
18 07,2021
Bruh the number of times I've started reading something and then they make the love interest sexually assault the mc, bc I guess that's the only way they can consider eachother romantically/sexually.
Haha what is getting to know eachother as people and developing feelings because they actually like hanging out together.
Like bro if you're not wil......
1 reply
18 07,2021
I completely agree rape is never ok and shouldn’t be romanticized or excused wether it’s real life of fiction that’s not up to debate. The thing with me it’s that I don’t care if people like it in fiction ofc no one wants to be raped irl and some people don’t have partners do if they want to fulfill their fantasies with fiction it isnt ......
18 07,2021
finally someone actually goes out and says this. it really is a disturbing and disgusting act, so i dont understand why people go in stories and sexualize that kind of stuff. not just authors/manga artists/manhua artists, real people still find that cool and if annoys me because thats not the thing you can casually say is fine, without of course an......
18 07,2021
some bitch said "Rape is suprise sex". Those bitches don't understand that not everyone likes "surprises". That too with some weird ass jerk who suddenly jumps on someone like a monkey on heat taking the fact handsome or not. Jus hate it too the core. They deserve to have their d*ck chopped off. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
*no offence everyone jus my opin......
1 reply
18 07,2021