Growing up
How do you feel about your life,my 25 and older fellows?
I am having a reflection at 31/12/2019.
I am a 25 year-old girl and seemingly at an important phrase of my life. I am just on the way to realize how I grow up depending on my family. Like it’s the norm here to be like that, listen to older people, to fit in and follow the footsteps of whoever is “having a successful life”. I decide to move out, to stay away from my parent’s control. (Yes in other’ eyes, I am airheaded and rebellous). I think I’ve tried my best in my life so far but now I feel lonely and lacking.
I do want to talk it slow and believe in myself, and be crazy as how I am and let my parents realize they abuse me. I hope it is not too much to ask. Sometimes I just want to go into the forest hahaa.
If you answer my question, pls do it with respect and personal approach. ^^ Happy new year.
That is a really bold move and i really respect you for that.
I am a 28 year old young lady who has yet to achieve anything. The only thing I that once brought me joy is my Uni degree but now its been gathering dust for the past four years. I am somewhat embarrassed to say I am still dependent on my mother. I feel stuck, anxious, frustrated and the......
1 reply
31 12,2019