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1 lobe piercing, 1 upper lobe piercing and 2 helix piercings on both of my ears. I also have snakebite piercings. I'd say the most painful piercing was my upper lobe piercing (probably because I pierced it myself with a needle at 4 in the morning after a mental breakdown..), but none of them really hurt if I'm being honest.   reply
16 07,2021
16 07,2021
I want a tongue piercing so bad. But I heard that your tongue swells up and you can't eat or talk for a week or so.   1 reply
16 07,2021
First time I got piercings my sister went first. I asked on a scale 1-10 how much it hurts and she said 3. IT WAS NOT A FCKING 3 IT WAS A SOLID 8. Later she was like yeah.. ur right it was an 8. ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ   1 reply
16 07,2021
16 07,2021
I just have two, one in each ear. They both didn't hurt, but the healing—or lack of did. I had to get one repeirced twice, and then the other peairced three times. They never did heal, no matter how good I followed the instructions, and no matter how many doctor creams I was given, so I just don't get piercings anymore cause it's really painful t......   2 reply
16 07,2021
16 07,2021
I have the traditional ones and smiley i use it with the fang jewelry I might get a tongue one i haven’t been wearing any of them cuz my parents   reply
16 07,2021
I got my first piercing when I was around 7/8 years old it was on my right side of my nose. It wasn't really painful It is blocked for now but I will be getting a piercing again ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. I have also pierced both my ears around 10 times I always get them blocked so yah. Also you must be thinking why I got a piercing on my nose at the age ......   reply
16 07,2021
I have one in each ear. I don't remember how it felt like when I got pierced, I've had it since I was like 2 so I don't remember at all Throughout my childhood I thought everyone had ear piercings   reply
16 07,2021
Rat bastard 16 07,2021
I don’t have any piercings, but I want to get nipple piercings like the fag I am   reply
16 07,2021
Oh shit-
16 07,2021
I only have two piercing's like normal but I'm planning on getting more someday ( fun fact: I got both of my piercings the same day I was born because my mom said it would hurt less at a younger age)   reply
16 07,2021
16 07,2021
I USED to have piercings so Idk if that counts but I’m going to share a story of mine: I got my ears pierced with pink earrings, the material for the piercings weren’t suitable for my skin and they got stuck on my ears, I had to go to a doctor to get it out. They injected my ear with some sort of painkiller or whatever to soothen the pain befo......   1 reply
16 07,2021

can't sleep

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