Building Muscle/ weight loss

PlumpSprouts PlumpSprouts 2019-12-26 05:43:38 About lose weight
Struggled with body images myself for quite a few years, emotionally ate do to bullying, and made it up my days of not eating, one of my memorable gains was 14 lbs, in half a summer, always thought this was how I was supposed to be and I was unhappy and unmotivated. Though it isn't, I wasn't putting any effort in my diet, exercise, or was invested in my own health in anyway. My brother help push me into trying, and I rejected for a long time, till I had to force motivation out of my self for I realized doing nothing will change nothing. So I got a trainer, fixed my inside issues, such as working on my long term diet, more water, less sugar, cut out soda/ sugary beverages, and started worked on my spine, knees, and tight rhomboids, etc... Was not easy at the start I was anxious and not confident it was a slow process and still struggle with motivation some days. As my trainer says some days its just trying, even if you didn't reach one of your goals, or hit a certain number, staying consistent and still doing what you can is better than resigning.


CTHunter March 28, 2020 8:40 pm

Thank you for sharing. You're doing a spectacular job. Wishing you success on your endeavors.


lose weight

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