My experience as a wlw

PlumpSprouts PlumpSprouts 2019-12-26 05:27:19 About experience being out of closet
Came out the wrong way, too soon for me, I didn't seem 100% cause I wasn't confident in them yet, so people didn't take me as seriously (three years plus after coming out, still feeling the same) The family I came out to is understanding, in how I can't control what I am mentally and physically attracted to, and wanting me to be happy. I am extremely blessed to be in a situation where I am excepted. My brother is sorta my wing man, he wants me to find a cute girl( he's tired of watching/ listening to bme fall for the wrong type of girl) my mema is someone I can talk to without worry. My mom loves me no matter what but" Wants the best for me" which gives off the vibes to me that she wishes I like guys so Idk how to feel about that, I mean religiously yes it would be better, but we all sin so... Not out to the rest of my family do to them being more...traditional when it comes to religion( I'm still religious too ) SO I don't know what this thread is asking, beyond my experiences, but I guess I'll tell what I wish I did differently? Be confident in how you feel you don't owe anyone, don't worry if they might change and not want to come out (stressful) life is full of changes. Though be aware of your situation, I don't want anyone to be kicked out of the house or verbally abused for coming out. Hope you guys find happiness!
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