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bestie you missed a whole war arc   reply
13 07,2021
pixelated corpse
13 07,2021
An uploader uploaded 2 fucking chapters of her work "Blind Play" here on Mangago and she got mad. Then she threatened to doxx said uploader, leaked images of his face and told people she'd pay anybody that releases private info about him (such as his home address, full name, etc.) $1000. Basically; YD's finally lost it.   1 reply
13 07,2021
13 07,2021
The circus......   reply
13 07,2021
its a whole ass kdrama out here rn- anyway imma j wait for the poeple who are bothered to explain the whole situation to you   reply
13 07,2021
Aniyae 13 07,2021
Lmao, you missed a lot. let's just say you should find refuge when the potential war breaks out.   reply
13 07,2021
13 07,2021
13 07,2021
I dunno, I’m not online that much since I’m visiting my aunt and cousin. I’ll be staying there for about month, so I wouldn’t be online too much. Still active. Only once a day or two to check what I missed in the Last Updates and Notifications.   reply
13 07,2021


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