How do you deal with a shitty parent?
My dad isn’t abusive or anything but after a couple drinks he says shit that kinda just makes me feel kinda bad eg. “I’m not gonna pay for the internet”(depends on the situation usually cause I say something he doesn’t like, note that I only have friends online cause we moved to the country).
Tonight he went a bit far: I just recently got a part time job at a place I’m not officially hired at so it’s a little unstable but I’m happy to say I’ve earned some amount of money from it, I used some of that money to buy myself two blocks of chocolate that I thought I could do whatever with cause they’re mine. When I went out to get a line of chocolate from my second block (I had already eaten the first one) my dad told me not to eat any cause I’ve already eaten one block, I told him that I haven’t eaten that much (one line a day which could be right could be wrong I have a terrible memory) he then went out of his way to get up and count how many lines where in a block when I had already started going back to my room after telling him I hadn’t eaten that much, he then went off about me eating that much chocolate but oh well so what I had eaten quite a bit if I think about it so I went back to my room but my dad followed me. I got kinda pissed cause the way he talks makes it sound he was insulting me so I told him he was basically calling me a pig, he didn’t like that and told me he would throw out the chocolate that I paid for with my own money so I got even more pissed and told him to suck a dick he then said “you go suck a dick” and when I replied with what he said “women were bred to do that anyway”. After yelling at him and telling him that he told me women were bred to suck dick he got really mad and started yelling about me saying I was terrible at school and how I always lie to get out of school, he also said I had no friends cause I can’t take peoples opinions using the example “if someone said they didn’t like the colour green she’d say fuck you”, he called my online friends bullshit and said that I didn’t do any research on the ducklings I wanted to hatch (I researched on the ducklings not full grown ducks, I was planing on doing that while they’re in the incubator). The week before he also joked that I should start paying for soft drink and the like myself even though my job isn’t stable and I might not be called back in cause I’m only a replacement.
He thinks he hasn’t said anything wrong. I’m pretty sure one of his reasons for thinking like this is cause he was brought up by his grandparents and lived on the streets when he was the same age as me so he thinks he’s fine to say that cause he’s looking after me unlike how his dad didn’t look after him, but that doesn’t make him a saint? I just dunno how to deal with him I think he’s getting back into the habit of drinking too much cause I’ve heard my parents fighting more often and it’s usually only when he’s drunk (when my mums drunk he just yells at her and ignores her instead of continuing).
What should I do?
Op here (obviously) I told my dad that if he got more angry he probably would’ve hit someone but he made that into how this one time he helped some dude who was being picked on in the city. I know I didn’t have to mention this but I just thought that it was really annoying how he made my mention of him being possibly abusive into how he saved s......
13 07,2021