Adrians Kickback
Did anyone see what happened at Adrians Kickback?
If y’all don’t know, a dude name Adrian made a kickback invitation, and it got viral for some weird reason. Over 2k people showed up. The two things that baffled me about this party was that
1.) no one wore a mask
2.) This Adrian mf didn’t even show up! The price to get in was $40, and he didn’t even show up. 1000% meant to be a scam.
Some people flew al the way to the U.S just to come to that party.
If y’all want to see what the party was like, look at these videos: what I saw from clips, it was getting so rowdy that cop cars, helicopters, and police in riot gear had to show up.
That party probably is going to bring back a new wave of COVID in Cali.
someone who is from cali it sure did.
hb had to clean up the mess they made too
they broke shop windows they littered on the beach heavily
we literally couldn't go back to the beach for 2 days
11 07,2021