Storytime! (I’ll try to make it as short as possible)
This happened a couple years ago (Grade 6). A friend of mine (we’ll call her M) had a crush on this dude that our best friend liked (we’ll call him D). She felt really guilty about it and tried to get rid of her feelings but we all told her that it’s not her fault. So then moving on, they’re both in grade 7. D confessed to M that he also liked her. She thought of rejecting him since our best friend was gonna be hurt really badly, but she really liked D so she accepted.
(KEEP IN MIND SHE’S 12 HERE AND HE’S 13) few months go by after they became a ‘thing’ she told her dad she was heading over to our best friends house for a band practice and she did, but she left to go over to D’s house after. Then apparently they were making out and things got heated and he ended up fingering her WITH A BARBIE MOVIE PLAYING ON THE BACK
. Then his bro was knocking and she said they almost got caught. She told me that they planned this all out weeks before going to his house, but the dude only agreed on fingering her since they both don’t want to do anything ‘bad’. We’re 14 now and I’m honestly really disappointed she did this. But it seems like she really regrets all of it. Any opinions?
Background on M
- a lot of people like her
- one of the sweetest people you will meet
- a h0e for her husbandos
- will not flirt unless you’re her boyfriend
- literally just such a nice person
- her parents found out they were ‘dating’ she got in MASSIVE TROUBLE and had all her devices taken for a year
- idk what else to say tbh I’m just shocked she told me this
Really hoping your friend gave you permission to tell this story... If not, you should definitely delete this. It's her story to tell not yours
2 reply
11 07,2021