The Mangago Revoloution
There was once a user on this platform with great ambition and a passion for attention. They would do anything to get noticed in forums, manga comment sections, questions, and experiences. And they did just that. Soon everyone on this platform began talking about this user and interacting with them. They became obsessed with the attention and declared that they will become the Mangago Emperor. The people of mangago supported this decision as it was time that the place needed order. The Mangago Emperor posted daily forums and demanded that everyone should answer and bow every time they're in a question or comment section. The Mangago Emperor wanted everyone to follow them and praise them every day. The Mangago Emperor would gloat about their greatness in the forums. Or expose and accuse other users of being a traitor to damage reputations and keep themselves in power. Soon enough, some users grew a distaste for the Mangago Emperor and plotted a revolution. They formed the Mangago Resistance. The revolution didn't start out violent, just recommendations to the Mangago Emperor to chill. But the Mangago Resistance was met with apathy from the Mangago Emperor. So the desperate Mangago Resistance started slandering the Mangago Emperor everywhere, warning people what type of person they were. The Mangago Emperor did not like this one bit and had their army go out and fight the Mangago resistance. There were fights, bans everywhere in the forums, questions, even the comment sections. This was the start of the Mangago Revolution.
(This isn't a real story although it would be LEGENDARY)
Who were you in the revolution? One of the Mangago Emperor's loyal subject? Or a rebel that despised the way that Mangago has fallen?
bruh u got some talent...write some stories i bet they would would be good (●'◡'●)
10 07,2021