So I like... failed my exams... haha...

Yeah no I wish I was joking.
At first, I didn't care but then I remembered this was my year 10 mocks and how much I revised for them so now I'm on the verge of breaking down. It's not even that this will affect me in the long term but my parents are really strict and they think I'm smart enough to get to Oxford, Cambridge... etc.
But... I'm not...?

And I tried really hard so idk how I'm going to explain this after my parents find out my grades and I want to hide it but I'm pretty sure it's all going to be revealed at my parents evening. So if anyone could hack into my school database and close it for the next 2 weeks or build a time machine so I can redo my exams that would be great...
Or you could just give me study tips...

It's ok to fail sometimes. It just happens. So don't be too hard on yourself.