So I was just on whiteboardfox trying to waste time, and ig even a drawing site has their own set of...questionable users (toxic, trolls, etc.). I just saw someone trying to say that they identify as transage...I searched it up and its also called ‘age-fluid’ or something? It basically means you can ‘change’ your ‘age-identity’ over time or based on the situation you’re in. It sounds like an excuse for pedophilia what the fuck? You guys can google it yourselves. Gonna show the some screenshots of what happened, I don’t have the full story though since I was drawing when this shit started. They also erased a bunch of their comments and other people’s replies before I could even screenshot them so.
The handwritten purple text and the typed one were made by two different people I did the handwritten one.

ppl be wilden' nowadays....
Srsly tho, a 'twelve year old that identifies as 20'? That sounds like some shit a paedophile said to get with a kid, which is a major cause for concern. I really hope it was a kid using these words to say that they think they are mature or sum shit (but its probably not.....)