
Bungee Gum Bungee Gum 2021-07-08 07:33:06 About mental breakdown
I was sick for like five days now and i had a mental breakdown yesterday because i still have a lot of school works to do and i cant push myself because I really cant move my whole body hurts and whenever i stand up i feel nauseous its the last quarter so all of my unfinished school work is due to Friday it has no extension because it’s already extended i dont know what to fcking do i just cried all night because if i fail one subject I’ll have to repeat a whole fucking year which’ll suck because I worked hard just to pass this year luckily i feel i little better today, even though i still feel sick i need to start in working because the deadlines tomorrow. Thank u for reading


um- July 8, 2021 7:36 am

First take meds, and for the school work part, just get done the stuff that doesn't affect your grade as much. Those don't need to be perfect, they just need to be done, but for your most important assignments (the ones that affect your grade) make sure you do those decently cause they actually affect your grade, anyways hope u feel better and drink water


mental breakdown

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